Friday, May 24, 2013

HTML: Special Characters

HTML Entities and/or ISO Latin-1 codes can be placed in source code like any other alphanumeric characters to produce special characters and symbols that cannot be generated in HTML with normal keyboard commands.
For example, to render Düsseldorf the HTML source should read
Düsseldorf or Düsseldorf
While many similar lists are available on the Web (run your favorite search engine using "ISO Latin" or "HTML Entities"), none I've seen account for the standard character sets of different operating systems (e.g. Windows vs. DOS vs. Macintosh, etc.); this list should produce the same results on all platforms.
Punctuation HTML Entity
(case sensitive)
ISO Latin-1 code name or meaning
en dash
em dash
¡ ¡ ¡ inverted exclamation
¿ ¿ ¿ inverted question mark
" " " quotation mark
left double curly quote
right double curly quote
'   ' apostrophe (single quote)
left single curly quote
right single curly quote
guillemets (used as quotation marks in some languages, e.g., French)
(Its there, but you can't see it!)
    non-breaking space
& & & ampersand
¢ ¢ ¢ cent
© © © copyright
÷ ÷ ÷ divide
> > > greater than
< < < less than
µ µ µ micron
· · · middle dot
pilcrow (paragraph sign)
± ± ± plus/minus
£ £ £ British Pound Sterling
® ® ® registered
§ § § section
¥ ¥ ¥ Japanese Yen
lower-case "a" with acute accent
upper-case "A" with acute accent
lower-case "a" with grave accent
upper-case "A" with grave accent
lower-case "a" with circumflex
upper-case "A" with circumflex
lower-case "a" with ring
upper-case "A" with ring
lower-case "a" with tilde
upper-case "A" with tilde
lower-case "a" with diaeresis/umlaut
upper-case "A" with diaeresis/umlaut
lower-case "ae" ligature
upper-case "AE" ligature
lower-case "c" with cedilla
upper-case "C" with cedilla
lower-case "e" with acute accent
upper-case "E" with acute accent
lower-case "e" with grave accent
upper-case "E" with grave accent
lower-case "e" with circumflex
upper-case "E" with circumflex
lower-case "e" with diaeresis/umlaut
upper-case "E" with diaeresis/umlaut
lower-case "i" with acute accent
upper-case "I" with acute accent
lower-case "i" with grave accent
upper-case "I" with grave accent
lower-case "i" with circumflex
upper-case "I" with circumflex
lower-case "i" with diaeresis/umlaut
upper-case "I" with diaeresis/umlaut
lower-case "n" with tilde
upper-case "N" with tilde
lower-case "o" with acute accent
upper-case "O" with acute accent
lower-case "o" with grave accent
upper-case "O" with grave accent
lower-case "o" with circumflex
upper-case "O" with circumflex
lower-case "o" with slash
upper-case "O" with slash
lower-case "o" with tilde
upper-case "O" with tilde
lower-case "o" with diaeresis/umlaut
upper-case "O" with diaeresis/umlaut
ß ß ß ess-tsett
lower-case "u" with acute accent
upper-case "U" with acute accent
lower-case "u" with grave accent
upper-case "U" with grave accent
lower-case "u" with circumflex
upper-case "U" with circumflex
lower-case "u" with diaeresis/umlaut
upper-case "U" with diaeresis/umlaut
ÿ ÿ ÿ lower-case "y" with diaeresis/umlaut
acute accent with no letter
grave accent/reversed apostrophe with no letter

  1. The " entity was mistakenly omitted from the HTML 3.2 specification. While use of " generates error reports when validating against 3.2, browsers have continued to recognize the entity and its use is generally safe (sticklers may wish to use " instead). The omission has been corrected in the HTML 4.0 specification.
  2. The non-breaking space (  or  ) can be used not only to prevent the separation of words by line wraps, but also to force a space equal in size to a keyboard/spacebar space (useful for indentation or wider word separation) or to "hold" space in the empty cell of a table (as in the table above).
  3. The middle dot (· or ·) can be used as a bullet and embedded anywhere in text. Because it is equal in size to a period, however, it may be necessary to apply   or tags to enhance its graphic effect (use of   or   elements is not recommended, as these will alter the character's vertical spacing relative to other characters in the same line).

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Creating a Web service with Spring-WS

Chapter 5. Creating a Web service with Spring-WS

5.1. Introduction

Spring-WS's server-side support is designed around a MessageDispatcher that dispatches incoming messages to endpoints, with configurable endpoint mappings, response generation, and endpoint interception. Endpoints are typically annotated with the @Endpoint annotation, and have one or more handling methods. These methods handle incoming XML request messages by inspecting parts of the message (typically the payload), and create some sort of response. You annotate the method with another annotation, typically @PayloadRoot, to indicate what sort of messages it can handle.
Spring-WS's XML handling is extremely flexible. An endpoint can choose from a large amount of XML handling libraries supported by Spring-WS, including the DOM family (W3C DOM, JDOM, dom4j, and XOM), SAX or StAX for faster performance, XPath to extract information from the message, or even marshalling techniques (JAXB, Castor, XMLBeans, JiBX, or XStream) to convert the XML to objects and vice-versa.

5.2. The MessageDispatcher

The server-side of Spring-WS is designed around a central class that dispatches incoming XML messages to endpoints. Spring-WS's MessageDispatcher is extremely flexible, allowing you to use any sort of class as an endpoint, as long as it can be configured in the Spring IoC container. In a way, the message dispatcher resembles Spring's DispatcherServlet, the Front Controller used in Spring Web MVC.
The processing and dispatching flow of the MessageDispatcher is illustrated in the following sequence diagram.
The request processing workflow in Spring Web Services

When a MessageDispatcher is set up for use and a request comes in for that specific dispatcher, said MessageDispatcher starts processing the request. The list below describes the complete process a request goes through when handled by a MessageDispatcher:
  1. An appropriate endpoint is searched for using the configured EndpointMapping(s). If an endpoint is found, the invocation chain associated with the endpoint (pre-processors, post-processors, and endpoints) will be executed in order to create a response.
  2. An appropriate adapter is searched for the endpoint. The MessageDispatcher delegates to this adapter to invoke the endpoint.
  3. If a response is returned, it is sent on its way. If no response is returned (which could be due to a pre- or post-processor intercepting the request, for example, for security reasons), no response is sent.
Exceptions that are thrown during handling of the request get picked up by any of the endpoint exception resolvers that are declared in the application context. Using these exception resolvers allows you to define custom behaviors (such as returning a SOAP Fault) in case such exceptions get thrown.
The MessageDispatcher has several properties, for setting endpoint adapters, mappings, exception resolvers. However, setting these properties is not required, since the dispatcher will automatically detect all of these types that are registered in the application context. Only when detection needs to be overriden, should these properties be set.
The message dispatcher operates on a message context, and not transport-specific input stream and output stream. As a result, transport specific requests need to read into a MessageContext. For HTTP, this is done with a WebServiceMessageReceiverHandlerAdapter, which is a Spring Web HandlerInterceptor, so that the MessageDispatcher can be wired in a standard DispatcherServlet. There is a more convenient way to do this, however, which is shown in Section 5.3.1, “MessageDispatcherServlet.

5.3. Transports

Spring Web Services supports multiple transport protocols. The most common is the HTTP transport, for which a custom servlet is supplied, but it is also possible to send messages over JMS, and even email.

5.3.1. MessageDispatcherServlet

The MessageDispatcherServlet is a standard Servlet which conveniently extends from the standard Spring Web DispatcherServlet, and wraps a MessageDispatcher. As such, it combines the attributes of these into one: as a MessageDispatcher, it follows the same request handling flow as described in the previous section. As a servlet, the MessageDispatcherServlet is configured in the web.xml of your web application. Requests that you want the MessageDispatcherServlet to handle will have to be mapped using a URL mapping in the same web.xml file. This is standard Java EE servlet configuration; an example of such a MessageDispatcherServlet declaration and mapping can be found below.



In the example above, all requests will be handled by the 'spring-ws' MessageDispatcherServlet. This is only the first step in setting up Spring Web Services, because the various component beans used by the Spring-WS framework also need to be configured; this configuration consists of standard Spring XML definitions. Because the MessageDispatcherServlet is a standard Spring DispatcherServlet, it will look for a file named [servlet-name]-servlet.xml in the WEB-INF directory of your web application and create the beans defined there in a Spring container. In the example above, that means that it looks for '/WEB-INF/spring-ws-servlet.xml'. This file will contain all of the Spring Web Services beans such as endpoints, marshallers and suchlike. Automatic WSDL exposure

The MessageDispatcherServlet will automatically detect any WsdlDefinition beans defined in it's Spring container. All such WsdlDefinition beans that are detected will also be exposed via a WsdlDefinitionHandlerAdapter; this is a very convenient way to expose your WSDL to clients simply by just defining some beans.
By way of an example, consider the following definition, defined in the Spring-WS configuration file (/WEB-INF/[servlet-name]-servlet.xml). Take notice of the value of the 'id' attribute, because this will be used when exposing the WSDL.
The WSDL defined in the 'Orders.wsdl' file can then be accessed via GET requests to a URL of the following form (substitute the host, port and servlet context path as appropriate).


All WsdlDefinition bean definitions are exposed by the MessageDispatcherServlet under their bean id (or bean name) with the suffix .wsdl. So if the bean id is echo, the host name is "server", and the Servlet context (war name) is "spring-ws", the WSDL can be obtained via http://server/spring-ws/echo.wsdl
Another nice feature of the MessageDispatcherServlet (or more correctly the WsdlDefinitionHandlerAdapter) is that it is able to transform the value of the 'location' of all the WSDL that it exposes to reflect the URL of the incoming request.
Please note that this 'location' transformation feature is off by default.To switch this feature on, you just need to specify an initialization parameter to the MessageDispatcherServlet, like so:



Consult the class-level Javadoc on the WsdlDefinitionHandlerAdapter class to learn more about the whole transformation process.
As an alternative to writing the WSDL by hand, and exposing it with , Spring Web Services can also generate a WSDL from an XSD schema. This is the approach shown in Section 3.7, “Publishing the WSDL”. The next application context snippet shows how to create such a dynamic WSDL file:

The builds a WSDL from a XSD schema by using conventions. It iterates over all element elements found in the schema, and creates a message for all elements. Next, it creates WSDL operation for all messages that end with the defined request or response suffix. The default request suffix is Request; the default response suffix is Response, though these can be changed by setting the requestSuffix and responseSuffix attributes on , respectively. It also builds a portType, binding, and service based on the operations.
For instance, if our Orders.xsd schema defines the GetOrdersRequest and GetOrdersResponse elements, will create a GetOrdersRequest and GetOrdersResponse message, and a GetOrders operation, which is put in a Orders port type.
If you want to use multiple schemas, either by includes or imports, you will want to put Commons XMLSchema on the class path. If Commons XMLSchema is on the class path, the above element will follow all XSD imports and includes, and will inline them in the WSDL as a single XSD. This greatly simplifies the deployment of the schemas, which still making it possible to edit them separately.
The element depends on the DefaultWsdl11Definition class. This definition class uses WSDL providers in the package and the ProviderBasedWsdl4jDefinition to generate a WSDL the first time it is requested. Refer to the class-level Javadoc of these classes to see how you can extend this mechanism, if necessary.


Even though it can be quite handy to create the WSDL at runtime from your XSDs, there are a couple of drawbacks to this approach. First off, though we try to keep the WSDL generation process consistent between releases, there is still the possibility that it changes (slightly). Second, the generation is a bit slow, though once generated, the WSDL is cached for later reference.
It is therefore recommended to only use during the development stages of your project. Then, we recommend to use your browser to download the generated WSDL, store it in the project, and expose it with . This is the only way to be really sure that the WSDL does not change over time.

5.3.2. Wiring up Spring-WS in a DispatcherServlet

As an alternative to the MessageDispatcherServlet, you can wire up a MessageDispatcher in a standard, Spring-Web MVC DispatcherServlet. By default, the DispatcherServlet can only delegate to Controllers, but we can instruct it to delegate to a MessageDispatcher by adding a WebServiceMessageReceiverHandlerAdapter to the servlet's web application context:




Note that by explicitly adding the WebServiceMessageReceiverHandlerAdapter, the dispatcher servlet does not load the default adapters, and is unable to handle standard Spring-MVC Controllers. Therefore, we add the SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter at the end.
In a similar fashion, you can wire up a WsdlDefinitionHandlerAdapter to make sure the DispatcherServlet can handle implementations of the WsdlDefinition interface:







5.3.3. JMS transport

Spring Web Services supports server-side JMS handling through the JMS functionality provided in the Spring framework. Spring Web Services provides the WebServiceMessageListener to plug in to a MessageListenerContainer. This message listener requires a WebServiceMessageFactory to and MessageDispatcher to operate. The following piece of configuration shows this:





As an alternative to the WebServiceMessageListener, Spring Web Services provides a WebServiceMessageDrivenBean, an EJB MessageDrivenBean. For more information on EJB, refer to the class level Javadoc of the WebServiceMessageDrivenBean.

5.3.4. Email transport

In addition to HTTP and JMS, Spring Web Services also provides server-side email handling. This functionality is provided through the MailMessageReceiver class. This class monitors a POP3 or IMAP folder, converts the email to a WebServiceMessage, sends any response using SMTP. The host names can be configured through the storeUri, which indicates the mail folder to monitor for requests (typically a POP3 or IMAP folder), and a transportUri, which indicates the server to use for sending responses (typically a SMTP server).
How the MailMessageReceiver monitors incoming messages can be configured with a pluggable strategy: the MonitoringStrategy. By default, a polling strategy is used, where the incoming folder is polled for new messages every five minutes. This interval can be changed by setting the pollingInterval property on the strategy. By default, all MonitoringStrategy implementations delete the handled messages; this can be changed by setting the deleteMessages property.
As an alternative to the polling approaches, which are quite inefficient, there is a monitoring strategy that uses IMAP IDLE. The IDLE command is an optional expansion of the IMAP email protocol that allows the mail server to send new message updates to the MailMessageReceiver asynchronously. If you use a IMAP server that supports the IDLE command, you can plug in the ImapIdleMonitoringStrategy into the monitoringStrategy property. In addition to a supporting server, you will need to use JavaMail version 1.4.1 or higher.
The following piece of configuration shows how to use the server-side email support, overiding the default polling interval to a value which checks every 30 seconds (30.000 milliseconds):




5.3.5. Embedded HTTP Server transport

Spring Web Services provides a transport based on Sun's JRE 1.6 HTTP server. The embedded HTTP Server is a standalone server that is simple to configure. It lends itself to a lighter alternative to conventional servlet containers.
When using the embedded HTTP server, no external deployment descriptor is needed (web.xml). You only need to define an instance of the server and configure it to handle incoming requests. The remoting module in the Core Spring Framework contains a convenient factory bean for the HTTP server: the SimpleHttpServerFactoryBean. The most important property is contexts, which maps context paths to corresponding HttpHandlers.
Spring Web Services provides 2 implementations of the HttpHandler interface: WsdlDefinitionHttpHandler and WebServiceMessageReceiverHttpHandler. The former maps an incoming GET request to a WsdlDefinition. The latter is responsible for handling POST requests for web services messages and thus needs a WebServiceMessageFactory (typically a SaajSoapMessageFactory) and a WebServiceMessageReceiver (typically the SoapMessageDispatcher) to accomplish its task.
To draw parallels with the servlet world, the contexts property plays the role of servlet mappings in web.xml and the WebServiceMessageReceiverHttpHandler is the equivalent of a MessageDispatcherServlet.
The following snippet shows a simple configuration example of the HTTP server transport:





For more information on the SimpleHttpServerFactoryBean, refer to the Javadoc.

5.3.6. XMPP transport

Finally, Spring Web Services 2.0 introduced support for XMPP, otherwise known as Jabber. The support is based on the Smack library.
Spring Web Services support for XMPP is very similar to the other transports: there is a a XmppMessageSender for the WebServiceTemplate and and a XmppMessageReceiver to use with the MessageDispatcher.
The following example shows how to set up the server-side XMPP components:





5.4. Endpoints

Endpoints are the central concept in Spring-WS's server-side support. Endpoints provide access to the application behavior which is typically defined by a business service interface. An endpoint interprets the XML request message and uses that input to invoke a method on the business service (typically). The result of that service invocation is represented as a response message. Spring-WS has a wide variety of endpoints, using various ways to handle the XML message, and to create a response.
You create an endpoint by annotating a class with the @Endpoint annotation. In the class, you define one or more methods that handle the incoming XML request, by using a wide variety of parameter types (such as DOM elements, JAXB2 objects, etc). You indicate the sort of messages a method can handle by using another annotation (typically @PayloadRoot).
Consider the following sample endpoint:
package samples;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

@Endpoint                                                                                (1)
public class AnnotationOrderEndpoint {

  private final OrderService orderService;

  @Autowired                                                                             (2)
  public AnnotationOrderEndpoint(OrderService orderService) {
      this.orderService = orderService;

  @PayloadRoot(localPart = "order", namespace = "http://samples")                        (5)
  public void order(@RequestPayload Element orderElement) {                              (3)
    Order order = createOrder(orderElement);

  @PayloadRoot(localPart = "orderRequest", namespace = "http://samples")                 (5)
  public Order getOrder(@RequestPayload OrderRequest orderRequest, SoapHeader header) {  (4)
    return orderService.getOrder(orderRequest.getId());


1 The class is annotated with @Endpoint, marking it as a Spring-WS endpoint.
2 The constructor is marked with @Autowired, so that the OrderService business service is injected into this endpoint.
3 The order method takes a Element as a parameter, annotated with @RequestPayload. This means that the payload of the message is passed on this method as a DOM element. The method has a void return type, indicating that no response message is sent.
For more information about endpoint methods, refer to Section 5.4.1, “@Endpoint handling methods”.
4 The getOrder method takes a OrderRequest as a parameter, annotated with @RequestPayload as well. This parameter is a JAXB2-supported object (it is annotated with @XmlRootElement). This means that the payload of the message is passed on to this method as a unmarshalled object. The SoapHeader type is also given as a parameter. On invocation, this parameter will contain the SOAP header of the request message. The method is also annotated with @ResponsePayload, indicating that the return value (the Order) is used as the payload of the response message.
For more information about endpoint methods, refer to Section 5.4.1, “@Endpoint handling methods”.
5 The two handling methods of this endpoint are marked with @PayloadRoot, indicating what sort of request messages can be handled by the method: the getOrder method will be invoked for requests with a orderRequest local name and a http://samples namespace URI; the order method for requests with a order local name.
For more information about @PayloadRoot, refer to Section 5.5, “Endpoint mappings”.

To enable the support for @Endpoint and related Spring-WS annotations, you will need to add the following to your Spring application context:
In the next couple of sections, a more elaborate description of the @Endpoint programming model is given.


Endpoints, like any other Spring Bean, are scoped as a singleton by default, i.e. one instance of the bean definition is created per container. Being a singleton implies that more than one thread can use it at the same time, so the endpoint has to be thread safe. If you want to use a different scope, such as prototype, refer to the Spring Reference documentation.
Note that all abstract base classes provided in Spring-WS are thread safe, unless otherwise indicated in the class-level Javadoc.

5.4.1. @Endpoint handling methods

In order for an endpoint to actually handle incoming XML messages, it needs to have one or more handling methods. Handling methods can take wide range of parameters and return types, but typically they have one parameter that will contain the message payload, and they return the payload of the response message (if any). You will learn which parameter and return types are supported in this section.
To indicate what sort of messages a method can handle, the method is typically annotated with either the @PayloadRoot or @SoapAction annotation. You will learn more about these annotations in Section 5.5, “Endpoint mappings”.
Here is an example of a handling method:
@PayloadRoot(localPart = "order", namespace = "http://samples")
public void order(@RequestPayload Element orderElement) {
  Order order = createOrder(orderElement);
The order method takes a Element as a parameter, annotated with @RequestPayload. This means that the payload of the message is passed on this method as a DOM element. The method has a void return type, indicating that no response message is sent. Handling method parameters

The handling method typically has one or more parameters that refer to various parts of the incoming XML message. Most commonly, the handling method will have a single parameter that will map to the payload of the message, but it is also possible to map to other parts of the request message, such as a SOAP header. This section will describe the parameters you can use in your handling method signatures.
To map a parameter to the payload of the request message, you will need to annotate this parameter with the @RequestPayload annotation. This annotation tells Spring-WS that the parameter needs to be bound to the request payload.
The following table describes the supported parameter types. It shows the supported types, whether the parameter should be annotated with @RequestPayload, and any additional notes.
NameSupported parameter types@RequestPayload required?Additional notes
TrAX javax.xml.transform.Source and sub-interfaces (DOMSource, SAXSource, StreamSource, and StAXSource) Enabled by default.
W3C DOMorg.w3c.dom.ElementEnabled by default
dom4jorg.dom4j.ElementEnabled when dom4j is on the classpath.
JDOMorg.jdom.ElementEnabled when JDOM is on the classpath.
XOMnu.xom.ElementEnabled when XOM is on the classpath.
StAX and Enabled when StAX is on the classpath.
XPath Any boolean, double, String, org.w3c.Node, org.w3c.dom.NodeList, or type that can be converted from a String by a Spring 3 conversion service, and that is annotated with @XPathParam. Enabled by default, see Section, “@XPathParam.
Message by default.
SOAP,,,, and when used in combination with the @SoapHeader annotation. Enabled by default.
JAXB2 Any type that is annotated with javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement, and javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement. Enabled when JAXB2 is on the classpath.
OXM Any type supported by a Spring OXM Unmarshaller. Enabled when the unmarshaller attribute of is specified.

Here are some examples of possible method signatures:

  • public void handle(@RequestPayload Element element)
    This method will be invoked with the payload of the request message as a DOM org.w3c.dom.Element.

  • public void handle(@RequestPayload DOMSource domSource, SoapHeader header)
    This method will be invoked with the payload of the request message as a javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource. The header parameter will be bound to the SOAP header of the request message.

  • public void handle(@RequestPayload MyJaxb2Object requestObject, @RequestPayload Element element, Message messageContext)
    This method will be invoked with the payload of the request message unmarshalled into a MyJaxb2Object (which is annotated with @XmlRootElement). The payload of the message is also given as a DOM Element. The whole message context is passed on as the third parameter.
As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities when it comes to defining handling method signatures. It is even possible to extend this mechanism, and to support your own parameter types. Refer to the class-level Javadoc of DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter and MethodArgumentResolver to see how. @XPathParam
One parameter type needs some extra explanation: @XPathParam. The idea here is that you simply annotate one or more method parameter with an XPath expression, and that each such annotated parameter will be bound to the evaluation of the expression. Here is an example:
package samples;

import javax.xml.transform.Source;


public class AnnotationOrderEndpoint {

  private final OrderService orderService;

  public AnnotationOrderEndpoint(OrderService orderService) {
    this.orderService = orderService;

  @PayloadRoot(localPart = "orderRequest", namespace = "http://samples")
  @Namespace(prefix = "s", uri="http://samples")
  public Order getOrder(@XPathParam("/s:orderRequest/@id") int orderId) {
    Order order = orderService.getOrder(orderId);
    // create Source from order and return it

Since we use the prefix 's' in our XPath expression, we must bind it to the http://samples namespace. This is accomplished with the @Namespace annotation. Alternatively, we could have placed this annotation on the type-level to use the same namespace mapping for all handler methods, or even the package-level (in to use it for multiple endpoints.
Using the @XPathParam, you can bind to all the data types supported by XPath:
  • boolean or Boolean
  • double or Double
  • String
  • Node
  • NodeList
In addition to this list, you can use any type that can be converted from a String by a Spring 3 conversion service. Handling method return types

To send a response message, the handling needs to specify a return type. If no response message is required, the method can simply declare a void return type. Most commonly, the return type is used to create the payload of the response message, but it is also possible to map to other parts of the response message. This section will describe the return types you can use in your handling method signatures.
To map the return value to the payload of the response message, you will need to annotate the method with the @ResponsePayload annotation. This annotation tells Spring-WS that the return value needs to be bound to the response payload.
The following table describes the supported return types. It shows the supported types, whether the parameter should be annotated with @ResponsePayload, and any additional notes.
NameSupported return types@ResponsePayload required?Additional notes
No response void Enabled by default.
TrAX javax.xml.transform.Source and sub-interfaces (DOMSource, SAXSource, StreamSource, and StAXSource) Enabled by default.
W3C DOMorg.w3c.dom.ElementEnabled by default
dom4jorg.dom4j.ElementEnabled when dom4j is on the classpath.
JDOMorg.jdom.ElementEnabled when JDOM is on the classpath.
XOMnu.xom.ElementEnabled when XOM is on the classpath.
JAXB2 Any type that is annotated with javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement, and javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement. Enabled when JAXB2 is on the classpath.
OXM Any type supported by a Spring OXM Marshaller. Enabled when the marshaller attribute of is specified.

As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities when it comes to defining handling method signatures. It is even possible to extend this mechanism, and to support your own parameter types. Refer to the class-level Javadoc of DefaultMethodEndpointAdapter and MethodReturnValueHandler to see how.

5.5. Endpoint mappings

The endpoint mapping is responsible for mapping incoming messages to appropriate endpoints. There are some endpoint mappings that are enabled out of the box, for example, the PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping or the SoapActionAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping, but let's first examine the general concept of an EndpointMapping.
An EndpointMapping delivers a EndpointInvocationChain, which contains the endpoint that matches the incoming request, and may also contain a list of endpoint interceptors that will be applied to the request and response. When a request comes in, the MessageDispatcher will hand it over to the endpoint mapping to let it inspect the request and come up with an appropriate EndpointInvocationChain. Then the MessageDispatcher will invoke the endpoint and any interceptors in the chain.
The concept of configurable endpoint mappings that can optionally contain interceptors (which can manipulate the request or the response, or both) is extremely powerful. A lot of supporting functionality can be built into custom EndpointMappings. For example, there could be a custom endpoint mapping that chooses an endpoint not only based on the contents of a message, but also on a specific SOAP header (or indeed multiple SOAP headers).
Most endpoint mappings inherit from the AbstractEndpointMapping, which offers an 'interceptors' property, which is the list of interceptors to use. EndpointInterceptors are discussed in Section 5.5.2, “Intercepting requests - the EndpointInterceptor interface”. Additionally, there is the 'defaultEndpoint', which is the default endpoint to use when this endpoint mapping does not result in a matching endpoint.
As explained in Section 5.4, “Endpoints”, the @Endpoint style allows you to handle multiple requests in one endpoint class. This is the responsibility of the MethodEndpointMapping. This mapping determines which method is to be invoked for an incoming request message.
There are two endpoint mappings that can direct requests to methods: the PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping and the SoapActionAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping, both of which are enabled by using in your application context.
The PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping uses the @PayloadRoot annotation, with the localPart and namespace elements, to mark methods with a particular qualified name. Whenever a message comes in which has this qualified name for the payload root element, the method will be invoked. For an example, see above.
Alternatively, the SoapActionAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping uses the @SoapAction annotation to mark methods with a particular SOAP Action. Whenever a message comes in which has this SOAPAction header, the method will be invoked.

5.5.1. WS-Addressing

WS-Addressing specifies a transport-neutral routing mechanism. It is based on a To and Action SOAP header, which indicate the destination and intent of the SOAP message, respectively. Additionally, WS-Addressing allows you to define a return address (for normal messages and for faults), and a unique message identifier which can be used for correlation [2]. Here is an example of a WS-Addressing message:

42 In this example, the destination is set to http://example/com/fabrikam, while the action is set to Additionally, there is a message identifier, and an reply-to address. By default, this address is the "anonymous" address, indicating that a response should be sent using the same channel as the request (i.e. the HTTP response), but it can also be another address, as indicated in this example.
In Spring Web Services, WS-Addressing is implemented as an endpoint mapping. Using this mapping, you associate WS-Addressing actions with endpoints, similar to the SoapActionAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping described above. AnnotationActionEndpointMapping

The AnnotationActionEndpointMapping is similar to the SoapActionAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping, but uses WS-Addressing headers instead of the SOAP Action transport header.
To use the AnnotationActionEndpointMapping, annotate the handling methods with the @Action annotation, similar to the @PayloadRoot and @SoapAction annotations described in Section 5.4.1, “@Endpoint handling methods” and Section 5.5, “Endpoint mappings”. Here is an example:
package samples;


public class AnnotationOrderEndpoint {
    private final OrderService orderService;

    public AnnotationOrderEndpoint(OrderService orderService) {
        this.orderService = orderService;

    public Order getOrder(OrderRequest orderRequest) {
        return orderService.getOrder(orderRequest.getId());

    public void order(Order order) {


The mapping above routes requests which have a WS-Addressing Action of http://samples/RequestOrder to the getOrder method. Requests with http://samples/CreateOrder will be routed to the order method..
By default, the AnnotationActionEndpointMapping supports both the 1.0 (May 2006), and the August 2004 editions of WS-Addressing. These two versions are most popular, and are interoperable with Axis 1 and 2, JAX-WS, XFire, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and Windows Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0. If necessary, specific versions of the spec can be injected into the versions property.
In addition to the @Action annotation, you can annotate the class with the @Address annotation. If set, the value is compared to the To header property of the incoming message.
Finally, there is the messageSenders property, which is required for sending response messages to non-anonymous, out-of-bound addresses. You can set MessageSender implementations in this property, the same as you would on the WebServiceTemplate. See Section, “URIs and Transports”.

5.5.2. Intercepting requests - the EndpointInterceptor interface

The endpoint mapping mechanism has the notion of endpoint interceptors. These can be extremely useful when you want to apply specific functionality to certain requests, for example, dealing with security-related SOAP headers, or the logging of request and response message.
Endpoint interceptors are typically defined by using a element in your application context. In this element, you can simply define endpoint interceptor beans that apply to all endpoints defined in that application context. Alternatively, you can use or elements to specify for which payload root name or SOAP action the interceptor should apply. For example:


Here, we define one 'global' interceptor (MyGlobalInterceptor) that intercepts all request and responses. We also define an interceptor that only applies to XML messages that have the as a payload root namespace. Here, we could have defined a localPart attribute in addition to the namespaceUri to further limit the messages the interceptor applies to. Finally, we define two interceptors that apply when the message has a SOAP action. Notice how the second interceptor is actually a reference to a bean definition outside of the element. You can use bean references anywhere inside the element.
Interceptors must implement the EndpointInterceptor interface from the package. This interface defines three methods, one that can be used for handling the request message before the actual endpoint will be executed, one that can be used for handling a normal response message, and one that can be used for handling fault messages, both of which will be called after the endpoint is executed. These three methods should provide enough flexibility to do all kinds of pre- and post-processing.
The handleRequest(..) method on the interceptor returns a boolean value. You can use this method to interrupt or continue the processing of the invocation chain. When this method returns true, the endpoint execution chain will continue, when it returns false, the MessageDispatcher interprets this to mean that the interceptor itself has taken care of things and does not continue executing the other interceptors and the actual endpoint in the invocation chain. The handleResponse(..) and handleFault(..) methods also have a boolean return value. When these methods return false, the response will not be sent back to the client.
There are a number of standard EndpointInterceptor implementations you can use in your Web service. Additionally, there is the XwsSecurityInterceptor, which is described in Section 7.2, “ XwsSecurityInterceptor. PayloadLoggingInterceptor and SoapEnvelopeLoggingInterceptor

When developing a Web service, it can be useful to log the incoming and outgoing XML messages. SWS facilitates this with the PayloadLoggingInterceptor and SoapEnvelopeLoggingInterceptor classes. The former logs just the payload of the message to the Commons Logging Log; the latter logs the entire SOAP envelope, including SOAP headers. The following example shows you how to define them in an endpoint mapping:

Both of these interceptors have two properties: 'logRequest' and 'logResponse', which can be set to false to disable logging for either request or response messages. PayloadValidatingInterceptor

One of the benefits of using a contract-first development style is that we can use the schema to validate incoming and outgoing XML messages. Spring-WS facilitates this with the PayloadValidatingInterceptor. This interceptor requires a reference to one or more W3C XML or RELAX NG schemas, and can be set to validate requests or responses, or both.


Note that request validation may sound like a good idea, but makes the resulting Web service very strict. Usually, it is not really important whether the request validates, only if the endpoint can get sufficient information to fullfill a request. Validating the response is a good idea, because the endpoint should adhere to its schema. Remember Postel's Law: Be conservative in what you do; be liberal in what you accept from others.
Here is an example that uses the PayloadValidatingInterceptor; in this example, we use the schema in /WEB-INF/orders.xsd to validate the response, but not the request. Note that the PayloadValidatingInterceptor can also accept multiple schemas using the schemas property.


To transform the payload to another XML format, Spring Web Services offers the PayloadTransformingInterceptor. This endpoint interceptor is based on XSLT style sheets, and is especially useful when supporting multiple versions of a Web service: you can transform the older message format to the newer format. Here is an example to use the PayloadTransformingInterceptor:

We are simply transforming requests using /WEB-INF/oldRequests.xslt, and response messages using /WEB-INF/oldResponses.xslt. Note that, since endpoint interceptors are registered at the endpoint mapping level, you can simply create a endpoint mapping that applies to the "old style" messages, and add the interceptor to that mapping. Hence, the transformation will apply only to these "old style" message.

5.6. Handling Exceptions

Spring-WS provides EndpointExceptionResolvers to ease the pain of unexpected exceptions occurring while your message is being processed by an endpoint which matched the request. Endpoint exception resolvers somewhat resemble the exception mappings that can be defined in the web application descriptor web.xml. However, they provide a more flexible way to handle exceptions. They provide information about what endpoint was invoked when the exception was thrown. Furthermore, a programmatic way of handling exceptions gives you many more options for how to respond appropriately. Rather than expose the innards of your application by giving an exception and stack trace, you can handle the exception any way you want, for example by returning a SOAP fault with a specific fault code and string.
Endpoint exception resolvers are automatically picked up by the MessageDispatcher, so no explicit configuration is necessary.
Besides implementing the EndpointExceptionResolver interface, which is only a matter of implementing the resolveException(MessageContext, endpoint, Exception) method, you may also use one of the provided implementations. The simplest implementation is the SimpleSoapExceptionResolver, which just creates a SOAP 1.1 Server or SOAP 1.2 Receiver Fault, and uses the exception message as the fault string. The SimpleSoapExceptionResolver is the default, but it can be overriden by explicitly adding another resolver.

5.6.1. SoapFaultMappingExceptionResolver

The SoapFaultMappingExceptionResolver is a more sophisticated implementation. This resolver enables you to take the class name of any exception that might be thrown and map it to a SOAP Fault, like so:

                org.springframework.oxm.ValidationFailureException=CLIENT,Invalid request
The key values and default endpoint use the format faultCode,faultString,locale, where only the fault code is required. If the fault string is not set, it will default to the exception message. If the language is not set, it will default to English. The above configuration will map exceptions of type ValidationFailureException to a client-side SOAP Fault with a fault string "Invalid request", as can be seen in the following response:

           Invalid request
If any other exception occurs, it will return the default fault: a server-side fault with the exception message as fault string.

5.6.2. SoapFaultAnnotationExceptionResolver

Finally, it is also possible to annotate exception classes with the @SoapFault annotation, to indicate the SOAP Fault that should be returned whenever that exception is thrown. In order for these annotations to be picked up, you need to add the SoapFaultAnnotationExceptionResolver to your application context. The elements of the annotation include a fault code enumeration, fault string or reason, and language. Here is an example exception:
package samples;


@SoapFault(faultCode = FaultCode.SERVER)
public class MyBusinessException extends Exception {

    public MyClientException(String message) {

Whenever the MyBusinessException is thrown with the constructor string "Oops!" during endpoint invocation, it will result in the following response:


5.7. Server-side testing

When it comes to testing your Web service endpoints, there are two possible approaches:
  • Write Unit Tests, where you provide (mock) arguments for your endpoint to consume.
    The advantage of this approach is that it's quite easy to accomplish (especially for classes annotated with @Endpoint); the disadvantage is that you are not really testing the exact content of the XML messages that are sent over the wire.
  • Write Integrations Tests, which do test the contents of the message.
The first approach can easily be accomplished with mocking frameworks such as EasyMock, JMock, etc. The next section will focus on writing integration tests, using the test features introduced in Spring Web Services 2.0.

5.7.1. Writing server-side integration tests

Spring Web Services 2.0 introduced support for creating endpoint integration tests. In this context, an endpoint is class handles (SOAP) messages (see Section 5.4, “Endpoints”).
The integration test support lives in the package. The core class in that package is the MockWebServiceClient. The underlying idea is that this client creates a request message, and then sends it over to the endpoint(s) that are configured in a standard MessageDispatcherServlet application context (see Section 5.3.1, “MessageDispatcherServlet). These endpoints will handle the message, and create a response. The client then receives this response, and verifies it against registered expectations.
The typical usage of the MockWebServiceClient is:
  1. Create a MockWebServiceClient instance by calling MockWebServiceClient.createClient(ApplicationContext) or MockWebServiceClient.createClient(WebServiceMessageReceiver, WebServiceMessageFactory).
  2. Send request messages by calling sendRequest(RequestCreator), possibly by using the default RequestCreator implementations provided in RequestCreators (which can be statically imported).
  3. Set up response expectations by calling andExpect(ResponseMatcher), possibly by using the default ResponseMatcher implementations provided in ResponseMatchers (which can be statically imported). Multiple expectations can be set up by chaining andExpect(ResponseMatcher) calls.


Note that the MockWebServiceClient (and related classes) offers a 'fluent' API, so you can typically use the Code Completion features (i.e. ctrl-space) in your IDE to guide you through the process of setting up the mock server.


Also note that you rely on the standard logging features available in Spring Web Services in your unit tests. Sometimes it might be useful to inspect the request or response message to find out why a particular tests failed. See Section 4.4, “Message Logging and Tracing” for more information.
Consider, for example, this simple Web service endpoint class:

@Endpoint                                                                                (1)
public class CustomerEndpoint {

  @ResponsePayload                                                                       (2)
  public CustomerCountResponse getCustomerCount(                                         (2)
      @RequestPayload CustomerCountRequest request) {                                    (2)
    CustomerCountResponse response = new CustomerCountResponse();
    return response;

1 The CustomerEndpoint in annotated with @Endpoint. See Section 5.4, “Endpoints”.
2 The getCustomerCount() method takes a CustomerCountRequest as argument, and returns a CustomerCountResponse. Both of these classes are objects supported by a marshaller. For instance, they can have a @XmlRootElement annotation to be supported by JAXB2.
A typical test for CustomerEndpoint would look like this:
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.springframework.xml.transform.StringSource;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import;                          (1)
import static*;                      (1)
import static*;                     (1)

@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)                                                  (2)
@ContextConfiguration("spring-ws-servlet.xml")                                           (2)
public class CustomerEndpointIntegrationTest {

  private ApplicationContext applicationContext;                                         (3)

  private MockWebServiceClient mockClient;

  public void createClient() {
    mockClient = MockWebServiceClient.createClient(applicationContext);                  (4)

  public void customerEndpoint() throws Exception {
    Source requestPayload = new StringSource(
      "" +
        "John Doe" +
    Source responsePayload = new StringSource(
      "" +
        "10" +

    mockClient.sendRequest(withPayload(requestPayload)).                                 (5)
      andExpect(payload(responsePayload));                                               (5)
1 The CustomerEndpointIntegrationTest imports the MockWebServiceClient, and statically imports RequestCreators and ResponseMatchers.
2 This test uses the standard testing facilities provided in the Spring Framework. This is not required, but is generally the easiest way to set up the test.
3 The application context is a standard Spring-WS application context (see Section 5.3.1, “MessageDispatcherServlet), read from spring-ws-servlet.xml. In this case, the application context will contain a bean definition for CustomerEndpoint (or a perhaps a is used).
4 In a @Before method, we create a MockWebServiceClient by using the createClient factory method.
5 We send a request by calling sendRequest() with a withPayload() RequestCreator provided by the statically imported RequestCreators (see Section 5.7.2, “RequestCreator and RequestCreators).
We also set up response expectations by calling andExpect() with a payload() ResponseMatcher provided by the statically imported ResponseMatchers (see Section 5.7.3, “ResponseMatcher and ResponseMatchers).
This part of the test might look a bit confusing, but the Code Completion features of your IDE are of great help. After typing sendRequest(, simply type ctrl-space, and your IDE will provide you with a list of possible request creating strategies, provided you statically imported RequestCreators. The same applies to andExpect(, provided you statically imported ResponseMatchers.

5.7.2. RequestCreator and RequestCreators

Initially, the MockWebServiceClient will need to create a request message for the endpoint to consume. The client uses the RequestCreator strategy interface for this purpose:
public interface RequestCreator {

  WebServiceMessage createRequest(WebServiceMessageFactory messageFactory)
    throws IOException;

You can write your own implementations of this interface, creating a request message by using the message factory, but you certainly do not have to. The RequestCreators class provides a way to create a RequestCreator based on a given payload in the withPayload() method. You will typically statically import RequestCreators.

5.7.3. ResponseMatcher and ResponseMatchers

When the request message has been processed by the endpoint, and a response has been received, the MockWebServiceClient can verify whether this response message meets certain expectations. The client uses the ResponseMatcher strategy interface for this purpose:
public interface ResponseMatcher {

    void match(WebServiceMessage request,
               WebServiceMessage response)
      throws IOException, AssertionError;

Once again you can write your own implementations of this interface, throwing AssertionErrors when the message does not meet your expectations, but you certainly do not have to, as the ResponseMatchers class provides standard ResponseMatcher implementations for you to use in your tests. You will typically statically import this class.
The ResponseMatchers class provides the following response matchers:
ResponseMatchers methodDescription
payload()Expects a given response payload.
validPayload()Expects the response payload to validate against given XSD schema(s).
xpath() Expects a given XPath expression to exist, not exist, or evaluate to a given value.
soapHeader()Expects a given SOAP header to exist in the response message.
noFault()Expects that the response message does not contain a SOAP Fault.
mustUnderstandFault(), clientOrSenderFault(), serverOrReceiverFault(), and versionMismatchFault() Expects the response message to contain a specific SOAP Fault.
You can set up multiple response expectations by chaining andExpect() calls, like so:

For more information on the request matchers provided by ResponseMatchers, refer to the class level Javadoc.

[2] For more information on WS-Addressing, see