Monday, September 14, 2009

LPWSTR free memory

LPWSTR tmpValue= new WCHAR[1024];

delete[] tmpValue;

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

convert from BSTR to wstring

wstring sSlideName = SysAllocString(slideName);

phep so sanh BSTR

if (!wcsncmp(FontType, L"fontColor", 64)) {}

Thursday, August 27, 2009

List - Iterator

for(list::iterator it=m_pptInitialSlideIDListNew.begin(); it!=m_pptInitialSlideIDListNew.end(); it++)
int iSlideIDCurrent = *it;

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Thursday, August 13, 2009


SDBString_ptr SDBUtil::doubleToString(double number) {
char buffer[64];
sprintf(buffer, "%f", number);

//int count, count2;
for(char* p = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1; p >= buffer; p--) {
if (*p == '0') {
*p = '\0';
} else {
if (*p == '.') {
*p = '\0';

return new SDBString(buffer);


double SDBUtil::stringToDouble(char* data) {
int foundDot = 0;
for(char* p = data; *p; p++) {
if (isdigit(*p)) {
} else if (*p == '.') {
if (foundDot) {
throw strdup("Input wrong float");
} else {
foundDot = 1;
} else {
throw strdup("Input wrong float");
if (!foundDot) {
throw strdup("Input wrong float");
return atof(data);


long SDBUtil::stringToLong(char* data) {
for(char* p = data; *p; p++) {
if (!isdigit(*p)) {
throw strdup("Input wrong integer");
return atol(data);

Thursday, July 30, 2009

for use

for(list::iterator it=m_listResizedCol.begin(); it!=m_listResizedCol.end(); it++)
double dWidth = *it;
if (count == i)
if (vWidth.dblVal <>dWidth)
VARIANT vAddress;
std::stringstream indexValue;
indexValue << i;
*strIndex += indexValue.str().c_str();
*strIndex += ",";

std::stringstream widthValue;
widthValue << vWidth.dblVal;
*strWidth += widthValue.str().c_str();
*strWidth += ",";

count ++;

Monday, July 6, 2009

Convert int to BSTR

char* tempStr = new char[1024];
sprintf(tempStr, "%d", endCol);//endCol is int
BSTR strEndCol = SysAllocString((BSTR)tempStr);

//free memory
delete [] tempStr ;

convert char to BSTR

string strValueTemp = split1;//split1 is char
BSTR address = SysAllocString(OAConvertToLPWSTR(strValueTemp.c_str()));

Friday, July 3, 2009

Convert BSTR to char

wstring strLimitedSheetsTemp = SysAllocString(LimitedSheets);//LimitedSheets is BSTR
char* charVal= new char[strLimitedSheetsTemp.length() + 1];
wsprintfA(charVal, "%S", strLimitedSheetsTemp.c_str());

//free memory
delete [] charVal;

Cach chuoi voi while

//Lay tung sheet tu LimitedSheets="Sheet1*B:C,6:6?Sheet3*11:15"
bool checkStatus = false;

wstring strLimitedSheetsTemp = SysAllocString(LimitedSheets);
char* original = new char[strLimitedSheetsTemp.length() + 1];
wsprintfA(original, "%S", strLimitedSheetsTemp.c_str());

char *split1 = new char[1024];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;

while (original[i] != '\0')
if (original[i] == '?' || original[i] == '\0')
split1[j++] = '\0';

checkStatus = ExcelCheckLimitedCopyLevel2(split1, sheetName);
if (checkStatus) break;

delete [] split1;
split1 = new char[1024];
split1[j++] = original[i];
if (original[i] == '\0')
split1[j++] = '\0';
checkStatus = ExcelCheckLimitedCopyLevel2(split1, sheetName);
//free memory
delete [] split1;

Su dung strtok in C++

bool checkStatus = false;

//wstring strSelAddrListTemp = SysAllocString(SelAddrList);
//char* charSelAddrList = new char[strSelAddrListTemp.length() + 1];
//wsprintfA(charSelAddrList, "%S", strSelAddrListTemp.c_str());
StringUtil *strSelAddrListTemp = new StringUtil();
*strSelAddrListTemp += ConvertBSTRToString(SelAddrList);

wstring strAddressTemp = SysAllocString(Address);
char* pch1 = new char[strAddressTemp.length() + 1];
wsprintfA(pch1, "%S", strAddressTemp.c_str());

char* pch;

//pch = strtok(charSelAddrList, ",");
pch = strtok((char*)strSelAddrListTemp ->data(), ",");

int position = 0;
while (pch != NULL)
if (stricmp(pch, pch1) == 0)
checkStatus = true;
pch = strtok (NULL, ",");

//free memory
//delete charSelAddrList;
strSelAddrListTemp ->freeBuf();
delete pch1;

Khoi tao bien BSTR

BSTR value = SysAllocString(L"hello");